
Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year

Well it is that time for reflection. My biggest thing for last year was joining this community. The friendship of you ALL and the pure joy of reading your blogs, batreps and adventures has been a pure pleasure. So what for the new year. Well I have a medical procedure to look forward to in April (cardioversion, stopping and rebooting your heart) which means a big lifestyle change and a regimen of drugs.

But that is nothing to what I want to do: Blog at least once a week, an ATZ game a month, sort out my figures and go with Vampifan down the card model town lane, I've failed so far. This I hope will lead to further batreps and the outline of some fiction I enjoy writing.

I'm also torn about starting a QWIK tourney and THW's new 'Long Rifle' game, brought up on Davey Crockett and Hawkeye. If you don't know about it try checking out the TWH blog were Ed (the writer) has run out a few scenarios, well worth reading.

 A new role in work should help with all the above.

Well folks, good luck for the new year, a GREAT BIG THANKS, see you all in cyberspace.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

CHRISTMAS CARD +++Happy Christmas+++

Thanks guys for introducing me to a terrific world of friendship and fun. Whether you believe or not, God bless you all and  I wish you all a very, very merry Christmas.

Joseph (Rep 5 star) Mary (Rep 4 Grunt) Well you know the rest!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

THANKS+++++National Health Service++++THANKS

As you know I haven't been well recently and I've been treated so well. But today my 79 year old Mum fell and twisted her knee. EVERYONE involved from the Ambulance Staff, who were just GREAT.

courteous, humorous and professional.

The triage staff at the hospital were terrific and she was treated with courtesy, concern and professional care, and this went right through the the Minors Dept. where the nurses and Doctor took no nonsense from an old retired nurse and forced her to confront her injury. Three hours later she's at mine with a crepe bandage and a couple of crutches walking and weight carrying on her leg.


And all those that work so hard in the NHS. Have a happy Christmas, even if you're working and I dare not use the Q word.

Thursday, 15 December 2011


Well the civic improvements have been started. Cupboards removed, rubbish expelled, walls prepped for painting in the spring. Only the worst room in the house to do 'the attic'. A nasty spell of diagnosed hypertension as left me on the sick list at work but hopefully the multi-drugs I'm now on will see me back to full duty ASAP. But I'm back in Mrs PZ's good books so all seems well to return to the land of the dead. Needless to say this will not happen 'til after the festivities. I've been writing up some back stories for Moor City, Hamilton Square and the boys, which has kept the project to the forefront of my mind. Can't wait to get back to the modelling and gaming.

Keeping abreast of all your posts. Happy Christmas to you and all yours.