
Sunday, 30 September 2012

An Inter-rim post!

Well if you're inta-rimming I've a wee post for you!
I had an hour or so before the Viscountess got up for her birthday. So I had a bit of a play with my project. And here are the results. 

The Plain Box.

WWG Props

Hamilton Square & Conway Park act as models
 This one is a shop/office. The door and window are blu-tacked to the blank as is the brick wall covering on the right wall.

The study from afar.

The point of this is to show what I hope to be the versatility of this system. It's the same end with wallpaper blu-tacked on the brick and carpet added. All downloaded from free texture sites on the net. Using foamcore and blutac I hope to develop a number of 'stages' in each box. Again WWG props.

A Closer shot of  'the study'. No Miss Scarlett though.
One thing I do like about this is; all props, walls etc. fit back into the empty blanks (boxfiles) saving space and gaining a bit of cred with the Viscountess as there is no more dust-collecting SH1T being brought into the house! (out of sight, out of mind). Try! For the male XV.

I'll play around more with this concept and post any further significant developments.

(N.B. This project was inspired by Clint from 'Anything but a One' and his 7TV game project. I thought that the box file would be like a studio for those 60's and 70's shows and you put the scene in that you want. it's a shame he's shelved it.)

Thanks for reading and for the feedback. Keep safe out there 'amoung the English.'


Friday, 28 September 2012

A working curse, more bin diving and a project!

Well I came home last night with a bit of a spring in my step as the 'Dilbert Curse' is starting to have an effect.

Capitalising on the feeling, I shelved the 'Pit' project (for the time being) and commenced the internal buildings project.

Bin Diving Pulled these out.

Opened up to reveal the tools of the project.

First remove the paper grip.

Prepare the Swedish flooring.

A bit of brick work

Lay the floor

Ready for play.

Some internal walls of foam core.

Of various lengths to create different internal structures.

All that needs to be done is sort out the doors windows etc. and the internal wall coverings. My previous experiments (c.f. Domestic Dispute) at this did not last so I'm trying again, based on those experiments.

I doubt if I'll get this month's game in as it is the Memsahib's birthday, but I'll try ASAP.

Take care out there.


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

What a time!

Rant, Rant, Rant.

Bloody managers! Got a new one now that; (a) doesn't know what we do! (there's only two of us and soon a trainee) (b) can't do what we do! & (c) Wants to micro-manage the office!

So now we have three times as much work, all of which is duplication for her information, and everything we do has to be reported to THREE managers now which leaves me working so late I'm knackered when I get home, and of a weekend. Therefore no posts, games or modelling work done.

Lord protected us from meddling bosses!!!!

Still trying to keep abreast of all that goes on in our blogsphere. It would appear that everyone is biding their time 'til 'Final Fade Out' appears. Am I correct?

Sorry gang for the lapses in posts and the rant as I had to get it off my chest. I do hope that this curse works and I can get back to having a life. Rant over.

Take care out there.


Friday, 14 September 2012


Thanks to all you out there in helping me reach the milestone.

This was given to me by a friend and as I presume that most of you are 'gamers' as well as wargamers you should enjoy it. They are pleasant half hour long shows, presented by Wil Weaton (STTNG & BBT), wherein he invites some pals to play a game and goes through the game play with you. It's really good and worth a spin if you like games and haven't seen it before. Take this recommendation as a thank you from me.

ALL the best to you all.


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Zombie Fighting Pit- Part 4.

Sorry about the delay for posting and my silence on your posts, which I enjoy reading. However, real life has taken over and I've been hellishly busy at work, couple this with the heirs going back to school I haven't had any time to myself.

The Zombie Pit project has slowed and I've just scored the base and inserted some foam card into the cage itself to act as some form of base. I'll score it as crazy paving and then paint it. It is now a bit of an albatross as I don't know why I started it or what I'll use it for!!!!!

Tools for the job.

I cut the pizza base into shape from the outline. However this did not slot in like I thought it would. I therefore further sliced it into sections and wood glued them onto the base, filling in the gaps with wood glue.

Glueing the base.

The next phase of the campaign is the 'law & order' patrol. So I want a project to create building interiors. I have an ingenious plan for this. So I want to get going ASAP.

Keep safe and well out there. Sorry again for my silence.


Monday, 3 September 2012

ZED PIT-WIP-Parts 1, 2 and 3.

My recent trip to the central pier at Blackpool gave me an idea for a project. A Zed Pit. So here it is for your entertainment.

Part 1- Preparation.
Failing to plan is planning to fail. So the plans. Based on BDTZ zombie pit.

The tools for the job

Part 2

Cutting the props.

Laying out the ground plan.

I drilled some holes in each of the corners and inserted a pin into these holes as supports.

This was harder then I thought and I broke two drill bits.

Placing the pillars on the pins.

Strengthening the frame

Adding the railings.

Part 3
Some Aluminium Mesh.

Gluing the fencing

After running out of mesh I added four panels of lolly sticks

Nearly complete, view 1

Nearly complete, view 2

Just need to base it properly and slap on some paint.

Hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading. All the best.
