
Sunday, 28 July 2013

A moment to blog

What a month!

Sorry for not posting recently but the budget cuts are really pushing the R&F to the limit. I'm so whacked when I get home I hardly have nay energy to do anything. I had a 152 emails to get through in my home folder.

Hence no modelling or blogging for some time. I managed to tidy up a few projects on my VCBW site which are posted there. However, the 'Peoples' Army' figures do make good survivor figures.

Fighting in the Fields

Just cause I liked the picture.

Anyway, I'll keep checking your blogs as and when I can. Thanks for them as it really gives me a boost and some much needed R&R. Lord I need to play a game.

Watch yourselves and take care.


Thursday, 11 July 2013

Shameless pimping.

Over at the below.

The fine Big Lee is celebrating a million hits and has a rather splendid range of prizes on offer. so get yourself over there and scan through some of his posts. He is a damn good modeller.

A Proper Pimp

Monday, 8 July 2013

Something found that may be of interest and they're free!

Hi all,

Surfing the net this evening, looking for something that I had lost when I came across these. Those guys who play modern zombie my like these they could make signage, cordons vehicle symbols. They are US emergency first responder fonts. Anyway have a look they're here and they're free.

I found them through this website.

This chap has free downloadable NATO battle map markings in fonts. Not got the hang of the ones I want yet but some of you may enjoy them.


Sunday, 7 July 2013

This week I've been mostly .........

Reading. No wargaming again, no modelling. But I have been reading about the hobby. Scanning about the net has rekindled my interest in general wargaming. I'm not aware of any clubs in my area (The Deeside Defenders do meet  within striking distance, but just too far away) I have returned to my roots and taken up in the solo field.

Hence I've read a couple of books. First this one:

I picked up an electronic copy from Wargame Vault ( It is an elegantly simple collection of ideas ideal for quick and easy solo campaigns. Recommended.

Secondly, I purchased and read this classic:

It is a bit sad as I remembered it fondly from my youth (?). Ground breaking for its time and still worth the effort. However it is dated now and written very much for the aficionado with deep knowledge of the hobby. As all of you who read this are in that field it's still worth the read.

Subsequently, I've been doing the paperwork for my campaign which I will get posted on my other site.

And finally:

Enough said!
Now that emotional roller coaster is over I should be able to spent my weekends gaming.

Watch yourselves out there and thanks for reading.
