
Sunday, 18 May 2014

Birthday Post

It's been an odd few weeks with no modelling or gaming. But then it does tend to happen at this time of year. My birthday, my blog's birthday and on the peninsula there are a few beer/cider festivals as well as the end of the egg chasing season. The conclusion is I do nothing during May but be merry!!!

So happy birthday Plastic Zombie.

And happy birthday to me! (54)
Sorry to all you guys that have been posting but I have not been studying the web of late. But Monday sees the resumption of normal service.

Take care out there.


Wednesday, 7 May 2014


The reason for the previous post and my absence from the blog-o-sphere is that I went on rugby tour with my son's under 16's and a stack of other Dads. Here's a flavor.

Turn 1

Fancy Dress start.
 I turned up as Po, the Kung Fu Panda, no pictures of that.

Turn 2

The accommodation is a converted barn. No one around, nothing about, so there was plenty of space and time for shenanigans.
The view from our accommodation: Beautiful Much Wenlock. 
The team played at Wolverhampton RUFC. A big thank you to them. They entertained the tourists royally. Despite us all having odd shoes on and put on and took off items of clothing at different scores.

Turn 3

The lads got to the final of the county championship, by default really. The last day of a tour was not the ideal time to play and they got whacked. But here they are getting their 'runners up' medals.

Turn 4

Well I'm just about getting over it, so there'll be no more modelling for a good few days as I've all sorts of personal admin to do. A tour wasn't the ideal prep.

On a modelling front. If you like model aircraft check this article out.

Thanks for popping by. See you soon, when the shaking stops.

The Post that never was!

I was supposed to have posted this one last week as I knew that I would be out of commission for a few days. See the next post.

It was to support the WIP of the Paula M.

Having no TD skills whatsoever I was tongue in cheekily showing off this lack of skill.
The start!

Planning and Design at its Peak!

The idea is to draw out the deck plan on the left and then convert it to the model on the right.

All will become clear, later!

See you soon.
