
Monday, 7 January 2013

Inter Festivities Project.

What can I make of this?
Well between Christmas and New Year I needed something to regain my sanity. A game was out of the question as Viscountess wouldn't let me use the dining table for a couple of days. But I was allowed to do some modelling as my work bench is more of a man tent then a man cave.

I decided to make a log cabin for my 'Long Rifle' project and for the Muskets and Zombies scenario.

Tools for the job: My new Guillotine.
I did make a plan but I didn't photo it.
The basic blanks (a barn and stable)

Roof and shingles of cardboard.

External walls of Bar-b-que sticks and stirrer panels

Just needs painting, as per 300th WI magazine (what a great read!) and it's done. The other buildings to follow and presto a Colonial Hamlet. Hmm let's see.

A Stag do to organise this weekend (he's 60+ you'd think he'd have learnt by now) will curtail any gaming. But let's hope for next week.

Thanks for reading. Catch up to you soon. 

All the best, Lorcan.


  1. That looks superb mate, can't wait to see it painted up.

  2. You're off to a great start here. Like Simon, I can't wait to see it painted up.

  3. Great looking buildings, when I made log cabins (for larger figures than 15mm) I used garden cane for their roughness.

  4. Awesome cabin!!!

    Never thought of using bamboo skewers like that. Briliant!

  5. Thanks guys, I'll push on with the painting and the remained of the hamlet. Cheers for the feed back.

  6. Very nice! Thanks for sharing!
