
Saturday, 14 September 2013

New Character (WIP) for New Campaign.

Enthusiasm is running rife for my Zombie World, it's a great escape from the reality. As mainly the ATZ world is based on you encountering the zeds I decided to design and make a character to portray me and to get a grip of this ongoing battle with 'green stuff'.

First: Find a suitable figure.

The Lucky Winner is.

A head swap with an ANZAC

I fancied myself as a bit of a loner wandering the wilderness in one of those long dust coats. So began the ongoing 'green stuff' battle. 
Left over 'Green Stuff' modelled into equipment

Coat on
A new cane added

and a sawn-off shotgun in a holster.

A few more bits to do and welcome to Brother Bob

This blog's babe is? 

From now on they all will have connections to zombie movies.
 I think she will even stump the valiant Zabadak (well worth a visit if you're into modelling Pimps for guessing the last beauty.

Thanks for popping by.



  1. You have me hooked. I must see this figure painted now. I have no talent with green stuff/miliput etc so the idea of making a figure to represent ones self does hold a lot of interest.

    As for the lady no idea, but then again I usually don't have a clue anyway. If you told me she was the keyboard player in the Robert Palmer video "Addicted to Love" I would believe you! She's not by some ludicrous twist of fate is she?

    1. I know what you mean about the 'stuff' I struggle with it desperately, when you see what others do with it. Sorry mate she's not from that video. She'd have been in her 70's when 'Addicted to Love' was making me tingle.

  2. Nicely done buddy, Look forward to seeing him painted up :D

    1. Cheers SQ. No guess? The name of the movie would do, it has zombies in it.

  3. No Idea on the Babe, but the mini is coming along nicely.

  4. Looks good, cant wait to see him painted

    1. Cheers buddy,neither can I. This week, fingers crossed.

  5. Looks good now all you need is a zombie look a like.

    1. Ahh a zombie personality, now there's a thing for a batrep. An AAR from the zombie perspective. Food for thought, you demon.

  6. The mini does look great, it is always nice to have "yourself" for the games! Plus it is one of a kind, is this cool or what? I'd suggest you wet your finger or two and smooth the putty before it dries next time. It will erase some of the fingerprints.

    1. Cheers matey, thanks for the tip. I do have an issue with the stuff. ANY advice is welcome.

  7. Where's his kitchen sink ? - You seem to have just just about everything else !
    Great conversion, one I certainly wouldn't attempt - Green stuff is like marmite to me - I tried it once and didn't like it.
    We're all waiting now for the painted version.

    Is the babe is Lilly someone or other from "The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari ", if not then I'd say Theda Bara ?
    (and thanks for the plug)

    1. Joe! You are so good. I empathise with the modelling stuff. But bloody hell she is from Dr. Caligari!!! What do I do with a brain like yours and my quiz?

  8. A mini me is always great! Looking pretty cool so far mate!

    1. Thanks pal, I was going to add some bacon but Zabadak put me off! :-)
