
Sunday, 15 December 2013

A return, an explaination and an end!

An Explanation.
Hi all! it is good to be back and have the time again to do things that one likes. The reason I was off line for a month was that there was a major restructuring at work any many depts. got centralised at the beginning of this month. This has been on the cards for six months but those that are paid a lot more then I didn't realise its significance. So I ended up having to do three months work in a month! Bosses were just sent to try us! So that's done now.

An End
I mentioned a 'major change' in my last post. Well that time came, and I have finished working. I actually retire at the end of February next year, but with leave and time owing I no longer have to go in until I hand in my uniform and warrant card in February. Where did thirty years of my life go? Saying that I've had a TERRIFIC career and enjoyed every minute, I consider myself so lucky to have worked in an environment that I loved so much.

The Future
I need to find another job. But in the mean time it's back to gaming for now. I owe you all a batrep and I'll get that done before Christmas. Then it'll be the annual New Year plans.

So thanks for popping by. I've kept my sanity my updating myself on your postings, thanks.

Mind How you go!



  1. Well done! Congratulations on your retirement. All the best to you and yours for whatever comes next. Looking forward to more of your batreps.

  2. All the best for the future, Bob. I wish you well and hope you find fulfillment. I have always enjoyed reading your batreps so I look forward to your next one.

  3. Congratulations! I hope things go smoothly for you with your transition!

  4. Good luck with your retirement and here's hoping you have enough to fill in your new-found extra time (until you find employment).

  5. Congratulations on your retirement and enjoy your break!

  6. 30 years on the job - well done! I hope you can find a new job easily enough as well as get a lot of gaming in.

  7. Having just spent 5 weeks without a job, I can safely say that I've been far more productive during that time than when I was working. Enjoy it!

  8. Very many congratulations on the retirement and enjoy the break - plenty of hobby time me thinks.

  9. 30 years is a long time, congratulations on the retirement! But I have to say I hope you find something soon enough, if nothing else, more work can be done hobby wise!

  10. Congratulations on the retirement and enjoy your extra hobby time

  11. Well done on the retirement front! Looking forward to future posts!

  12. Congratulations on 30 years well spent Bob. As a gamer I'm sure you're more than looking forward to your retirement. Good lukc finding another job, whatever you're looking to do.


  14. Enjoy the retirement and good luck in your new career. May the little lead soldier stay close

  15. Conngrats on the retirement, my friend just joined the Garda, so i guess he has his 30 to look forward to
